As part of my link building strategy, I am hereby kicking off the review this blog campaign. You can not only review HashOut but also you can write or comment about any of the posts on HashOut on your blog or website and link back to it using appropriate link phrase, to get a mention of your blog or website and a link back to your post from Hashout, at the end of the campaign. Not just that! The first 10 reviewers / commentators will get a full fledged review of their blog or website on HashOut!
Here are some basic rules:
Here are some basic rules:
- You must some where in the post, link back to this post and
- Link back to the homepage ( or a post on hashout which you are writing about, using Anchor text only. Do not link back using "Hashout" or "" as the anchor text. Either use the title of the hashout post, you are writing / commenting about, as your anchor text or be creative and use keywords relevant to the hashout post as your anchor text.
- In order to avail the first 10 reviews offer, your blog needs to be atleast a month old or have a minimum of 30 posts. Sorry, you just can't expect a review of an empty blog or website.
- Submit your entries along with your name, a link to your post and any other information that you may want included in the link to your blog by April 30, 2007 to
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Read more on About HashOut, Review My Blog
I found your blog through FuelMyBlog. I like the layout and the articles seem to be very interesting.
You can check out my blogs at The BenSpark, Flatwater Tech, BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo and The Wired Kayaker
Nice all around blog,very nicely set-up.
This is interesting, I wouldn't mind participating.
Hi Aziz,
I had just participated in this campaign. Check out my post at
Thank you for the invitation.
Sam Chan
Hi Aziz
I've posted a review of your blog @